Health and Wellness

Health and Wellness Checklist
For Travelers

Visit UF Student Healthcare or the UF Travel Medicine Clinic
Visit months, not weeks, before departure.  Discuss During Pre-Travel Medical Consultation: Immunizations, Malaria Prophylaxis, Traveler’s Diarrhea, Respiratory Illnesses including, Influenza, TB, MERS, Other Vector Borne Diseases, Altitude Sickness, Environmental Hazards, Sexual Health and Bloodborne Pathogens, and Supply of Post-Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP) if not available in country.

Country Specific Health Info Visit CDC.Gov
In addition to travel related vaccinations, all healthcare workers should be up-to-date on all routine vaccinations: Measles, Influenza, Varicella, Hepatitis B, Tetanus, Diphtheria, Pertussis and regular screening for latent TB infection with TST or IGRA is recommended if traveling in high TB incidence areas.   

Keep in original containers while traveling.

Personal Health Records in the Foreign Language
If traveling to a country that is not fluent in English, have your medical records translated into the native language.

Bring Personal Protective Equipment
Bring own gloves, gowns, masks, aprons and protective eye-wear.

Download ICE – in case of emergency App (Android) or ICE Standard (Apple), and complete the Medical Identification Card
Shows vital personal, contact and medical information on the lock screen of your smartphone. You can put it in the language of your native country. Cut out the Medical Identification Card and put in your wallet.

Maintain Strict Infection Control. View Travel Health Tips
Follow US safety standards, not those of the country you are visiting.

Dangerous Roadways
Between 18-24% of deaths abroad are due to accidents and/or injury, while only 2% are caused by infectious disease. Road traffic accidents are the leading non-natural cause of death while traveling outside of the U.S.. Therefore, it is imperative to research which method of transportation and which roads you will be using while traveling abroad in order to best avoid traffic. Follow the link for membership to the Association for Safe International Road Travel.Is Water Safe to Drink
Do you need diarrhea treatments? Stay hydrated! A Travelers Guide to Tap Water is a quick reference to determining if the tap water is safe to drink. Dangerous Dangerous Beaches
Many students drown on dangerous beaches. Only swim in lifeguard designated areas or research the water you are planning to swim in.Stay Alert! 
You may become ill 3 weeks after returning home.Water is Safe to Drink
Do you need diarrhea treatments? Stay hydrated!

Stay Alert!
You may become ill 3 weeks after returning home.